Thursday, January 8, 2009

Josh's first lost tooth!

Well, Josh lost his first tooth on January 5th. We discovered it was loose a couple of nights before. I have to admit, Joy and I weren't quite ready for this! I think it's the first thing that has happened in Josh's development that I wasn't ready for! He's just so stinking cute! Oh, well. Joy and I had a bit of a hard time leaving the boy and his tooth alone. At one point he came downstairs crying because mommy had "accidentally" pushed on the tooth too hard. I comforted him, laughing and rolling my eyes on the inside. I didn't think there was anything accidental about it! Later on when I told her what Josh told me, she replied, "I never said it was accidental! That was his word!" Hey, at least she's honest.

The next night it was really loose. It had gotten to the point that you could see under the bottom of it. I told Josh to see if he could get his fingernail under it and pull it out. He really tried, but it hurt a little. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was bleeding a little! Through tears he said, "I want to wait until tomorrow!" About five minutes later he changed his mind and said, "This thing's coming out tonight!" We went into the bathroom and about five minutes later he pulled it out! I believe he was a bit surprised at how easily it came out. He ran downstairs and told Joy all about it and asked if it was OK if he saved it to show his friends at school. We said yes.

The next evening, Josh was really having a hard time deciding if he should keep his first lost tooth, or put it under the pillow for the Tooth Fairy. He wanted everyone's opinion on what to do! I had no idea what to say. I don't think there was a right answer there! Eventually, he had Joy write a letter to the Tooth Fairy. It read:

<----Here is my tooth. [Tooth taped to paper]

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I really want to keep my tooth + I really want a dollar. (1) So, I was going to ask you what would you do if you lobed your teeth so much + you really wanted a dollar- which would you choose? Please write on the back.


The next morning, Josh found a note from the Tooth Fairy:

Dear Joshua,

Since this is your first tooth, why don't you keep it? Here is a very special gold dollar! I will take all the rest of your teeth when they fall out. OK?



Crisis averted!


*Austin Mommy* said...

Oh boy! I am not ready for that day either. And I KNOW Caleb will not want to pull his own tooth out...the boy doesn't even like to get weighed and measured. I love the letters to and from the T.F. Great stuff! :)

Melissa said...

That is so cute! Congratulate Josh for me - I think you guys need to come for a visit so he can tell Emmalee how easy it is to pull your own teeth - she waits till hers are hanging by a thread and even then freaks out over losing them! Seriously though - please come for a visit!

Megan Johnston said...

LOL. So cute I love how the minds of children work, but the best feeling of all is when their creativity brings out the creativity in us.
Congrats to Josh on the loss of his first tooth!